A Series about Sin

This series started in my second year of college. The goal was to visually depict the seven deadly sins as they appeared in my minds eyes. The initial inspiration came from a re-reading of Dante's Inferno. The Imagery was inspired by random scrolls through various social media networks. I tried to break down certain types of images into their base components and made a basic generic image in my minds eye and then painted those I do not really believe in using images for reference and rather like to paint from my imagination and such was the case for the paintings you see above. This has been the case ever since I gave up the monotony of realism way back in sixth grade. I strive to create pictures in my mind and when it seems I can perfectly visualise them put paint on canvas. Of Course nothing i paint is as good as it seems in my head but I still try because of course I must.

Haseeb Zafar
Student London, United Kingdom