Raven Quinn Character Design - Illustration of musician Raven Quinn. We worked together trying to get the right style to match her vision. This represents her character as it would appear in a graphic novel we are hoping to release in the future. This work is available at her online store as a limited edition art print.
Raven Quinn Graphic Novel Page - Sample page for client Raven Quinn for a proposed graphic novel. Raven was very pleased that I was able to capture the dark feeling of the underworld she envisioned for her story.
Ed Norris Comic Book - An idea proposed by me to Ed Norris to create a comic book based on his show. Was published by Ed Norris and debuted at the 2009 Baltimore Comic Con. I wrote and illustrated the entire comic.
Twilight Website Illustration - Created for Twifans.com, this piece is comprised of several individual illustrations. Final piece was animated separately. I designed several versions before the final combinations were chosen.
Illustrated Poster for 2 Kings Pub - This is a full color illustration done for Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson's 2 Kings Pub at the Spalding Inn in NH. Really proud of this piece and how the clothing came out. Jason and Grant were really happy with the final product as well.
Dexter - Illustration of the character Dexter from Showtime.
True Blood - Illustration of the TV Show True Blood on HBO.
Flipside Band Illustration - Commissioned illustration of the band Flipside. Really fun to draw the instruments!
Cast of the Dark Knight Illustration - Illustration of the Dark Knight movie cast. This allowed me to play with a Mad Magazine type of humor that I love.
Ghost Hunters - Illustration of the Ghost Hunters crew from SyFy. A movie-sized poster of this art was auctioned off at a Beyond Reality Event in 2009 for charity.
Howard Noeldechen
Illustrator/Designer Pasadena, MD