Idea & Expression Project 3 - Clock Design

For the final project in the "Idea & Expression" course, we were required to design a clock, but without any restrictions (other than being an analog clock). While my previous 2 designs focused on the building process and problem solving, I wanted to make a product that adhered to how it "looked".

Some detailed research took place where I learned about colour and shape theory. I didn't know about the different meanings that each colour held, so I tried to utilize this new discovery into my design.

Orange tends to be a colour related to energy and life (like vitamin C). So I combined it with an image of fireworks (since the fruit orange would be too cliche), which emphasizes this.

Green is a colour connect to nature and balance. I lightly stuck with the nature theme but used a four-leaf clover to emphasize a different meaning: good fortune.

Purple usually relates to cosmic elements, but I used the connection to cleaning products to give the idea of "refresh"; with the clean shirt.

Hee On Imbac...
Student 대전광역시, South Korea