Born Rare Rare Community, Rare Disorder.

Strategy note for advertising campaign: Born Rare

Unfortunately, we totally unaware about the facts associated with Hemophilia.
Initially. The discussion and subsequent research revealed to us that, Hemophilia is a genetic disorder and a condition, where affected individuals suffer with bleeding conditions without clotting, like it does to normal/ non hemophilia affected people.
This bleeding causes painful conditions in joints, infection in internal and external organs and sometimes leading to death, unless treated in time.
Our Task
Our task was first of all to create a clear position for Hemophilia and the community affected with Hemophilia.
We had understood that Hemophilia was not a disease but a genetic disorder.

Therefore, we presented the idea:
Born Rare Rare Community, rare disorder.

You have it, I don’t.. I am Born Rare
I need it, you don’t.. I am Born Rare
You got it, I missed.. I am Born Rare

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Hemant Chavan
Pratima Advertising-Visionary Entrepreneur Mumbai, India