Stage design for Farmsco's gathering event at JS Luwansa, 2018, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Booth design and manufacture for Royal Ami. SIAL Interfood 2018 at JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta, Indonesia
Recalculates and redesigned based on materials usage for the fabrication, and based on prior designs from client; Visualized most of them manuals for the manufacturing processes; Also supervised production until the fabrication processes are completed and installed at the designated stores.
Client : PT PPS, Jakarta. Date : 2015.
Client : PT PPS, Jakarta. Date : 2015.
Client : PT PPS, Jakarta. Lab at Gorontalo, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Date : 2015.
Designed for previous employer, then made visuals of the manuals for manufacturing processes at a furniture manufacturing company. Supervising their production to complete and installed products.
Mostly recalculates structures from previous designs then made visuals of the manuals for the manufacturing processes at a furniture manufacturing company. Supervising fabrication processes with their production team until completed and installed products.
Design layout and interior exterior for advertising media manufacturing company; food and beverages store design proposals.
Design layout and interior exterior for advertising media manufacturing company; food and beverages store design proposals.
Design layout and interior exterior for advertising media manufacturing company; food and beverages store design proposals.
Kitchen table design for furniture manufacturing company, as design proposal to food and beverages company, supervising fabrication processes to installed or complete products of the store, certainly with helps from the team.
Display counter design proposal for a furniture manufacturing company to their client, a retail company, supervising fabrication processes until completed and installed products at supermarket.
Founded and managed (2008-2010), redesigned the garage (and the yards) and built the interior exterior of the first espresso coffee house in Sukabumi (West Java, Indonesia), which until recently runs by other family member.
Kopi Beunta Kitchen /Backyard
Proposed design for a property company.
Can be divided into two sections as desired, middle section (table drawer) and side section (cupboards).
Wardrobe closet.
Kitchen Island Solid surface, HPL, Aluminium frame Handles, Hinges, Slide Rail, and Plywoods.
Employer : MNC. Date : June 2014 - Aug 2015
Proposed table design
Proposed street vendors stall design, as display counters for mobile phone seller and service, requested by a private stores group.
Booth project for a fashion designer
Designed exhibition displays; design for exhibition contractor as design proposal to the entertainment or retail products company, for an exhibition event.
Expo Receptionist Desk, applied product samples at front and top of the desk.
Designed then made visuals of the manuals for the manufacturing processes for a design and build company. Supervised fabrication processes with their production team until completed and installed products.
Designed then made visuals of the manuals for the manufacturing processes for a design and build company. Supervised fabrication processes with their production team until completed and installed products.
Kitchen set design for private residence at west jakarta, productions were done by previous employer, a furniture manufacturing company.
kitchen set design proposal for a private residence at east jakarta.
Kitchen set design proposal for a private residence at south jakarta.
Office layout design proposal.
Other office layout and furniture design sample projects
Client : PT PPS, Jakarta. Lab at Cepu, Central Java, Indonesia. Date : 2012.
Client : Private Residence Date : 2014.
Set designs for a festival event for children, based on youth education program and concept from Ayomain and ICW. FAJ 2017 info at IG @Ayomain, held 2-3 December 2017, ICW Jakarta, Indonesia.
Set designs for a festival event for children, based on youth education program and concept from Ayomain and ICW. FAJ 2017 info at IG @Ayomain, held 2-3 December 2017, ICW Jakarta, Indonesia.
wood-based projects

Concept to finished products which most projects related to wood materials.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Frans Herdiansyah
creative drawings South Jakarta, Indonesia