Dinosaur Jr., promotioncampaign - type: lay-out CD, LP, advertissement || description: The title of the cd, Hand it over, inspired me. For this project I used fotos of hands which describe the actions of the title. Workingprocedure: I started from photo negatives, which I scanned and processed into a fascinating unit.
un arbre à Paris - type: t-shirt || description: The thickest tree of Paris is shown on this T-shirt. All the properties of the tree are represented. There are about 157000 trees in Paris (not counting the ones in the Bois de Vincennes and the Bois de Boulogne where you will find several special trees). In the city of lights you can see the oldest, the highest, the strangest but also the thickest tree.
Just for Fun, alphabet - This experimental assignment with stamples results in an unique alphabet.