Bumper Stickers
Bumper Stickers & Elephant Fact
Adoptable Cat Flyers - At the end of my senior year at the University of San Diego, I was required to fill a gallery space with my artwork. I chose to fill it with a project regarding animal rights, to hopefully educate viewers about animal cruelty while completing my visual communications degree!
Adoptable Cat Flyers
Gallery Wall - At the end of my senior year at the University of San Diego, I was required to fill a gallery space with my artwork. I chose to fill it with a project regarding animal rights, to hopefully educate viewers about animal cruelty while completing my visual communications degree!
Posters & Patterns
Torture Awareness Poster
Come on In!
Tote Bags with a Message
Tote Bags with a Message
Desk with Office Supplies, Clothing, Cups, and Plate
Sweatshirt & T-shirt
Keychain & Clothing
Mock Window showing Decals & Backpack
Senior Thesis Exhibition

At the end of my senior year at the University of San Diego, I was required to fill a gallery space with my artwork. I chose to fill it with a project regarding animal rights, to hopefully educate viewers about animal cruelty while completing my visual communications degree!