in perspective
kowcher logo
Signature elements
clear space
Colour palette
Colour usage - A page from the Graphics Standards Manual.
Business card
Shopping bag
Sketches - Initial sketches/scribbles on paper. As you can probably see, I felt pretty early that the magic was in getting the feel of the 'K' right. Notes: Project on branding - NAFA/Loughborough University / BA. Graphic Communications
Sketches - Initial sketches/scribbles on paper. As you can probably see, I felt pretty early that the magic was in getting the feel of the 'K' right. Notes: Project on branding - NAFA/Loughborough University / BA. Graphic Communications
Sketches - Initial sketches/scribbles on paper. As you can probably see, I felt pretty early that the magic was in getting the feel of the 'K' right. Notes: Project on branding - NAFA/Loughborough University / BA. Graphic Communications
Sketches - Initial sketches/scribbles on paper. As you can probably see, I felt pretty early that the magic was in getting the feel of the 'K' right. Notes: Project on branding - NAFA/Loughborough University / BA. Graphic Communications
Sketches - Initial sketches/scribbles on paper. As you can probably see, I felt pretty early that the magic was in getting the feel of the 'K' right. Notes: Project on branding - NAFA/Loughborough University / BA. Graphic Communications
Sketches - Initial sketches/scribbles on paper. As you can probably see, I felt pretty early that the magic was in getting the feel of the 'K' right. Notes: Project on branding - NAFA/Loughborough University / BA. Graphic Communications
kowcher l branding
Hozea Ngoh
Graphic Designer Singapore, Singapore