Opening game screen for the Tokyo Time Warp Facebook app.
Ninjas! One of Tokyo Time Warp's customizable characters.
Main game screen for Toshiba's Tokyo Time Warp on Facebook.
Buzzz!!! How fast can you shoot down the annoying flies on Tokyo Time Warp?
Typing game challenge...with a twist. (.tsiwt a htiw...egnellahc emag gnipyT)
What top players could stand to win on Toshiba's Tokyo Time Warp.
TTW microsite detailing mechanics, characters, challenges and prizes.
A Tokyo Time Warp blogger effort (from Singapore).
Tapping another local blogger.
Toshiba - Tokyo Time Warp Facebook app

Toshiba wanted to launch their T Series laptops simultaneously in four different Asian countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore).

To create buzz, I came up with a Facebook game app entitled Tokyo Time Warp which, coincidentally, was where Toshiba's headquarters were located.

The actual app came with five different character classes representing some of the most popular Japanese archetypes. The game featured a mix of arcade play, first person shooter, trivia, et al. and even featured a 'boss' level challenge.

There was also a contest component: the top monthly scores from all participating countries were included in raffle and Toshiba T Series laptops were given to the lucky winners.

Also, you could invite your Facebook friends. Each successful invite would gradually increase your overall running score.

Finally, key bloggers in each country were tapped to help push the app's presence.

Dan Holandez
Senior Creative (APAC) Singapore, Singapore