Tranquil Spirit Calendar for Kroger - Calendar created for Kroger Pharmacy and its subsidiary pharmacies. Focus on releasing, health tips, and inspiring quotes and images. Role: Art Direction
Tranquil Spirit Calendar for Kroger - Calendar created for Kroger Pharmacy and its subsidiary pharmacies. Focus on releasing stress, health tips, and inspiring quotes and images. Role: Art and Copy Direction, photographic treatment
Tranquil Spirit Calendar for Kroger - Calendar created for Kroger Pharmacy and its subsidiary pharmacies. Focus on releasing stress, health tips, and inspiring quotes and images. Role: Art and Copy Direction, photographic treatment
Tranquil Spirit Calendar for Kroger - Calendar created for Kroger Pharmacy and its subsidiaries. Focus on health and stress release via health tips from pharmacists, inspiring quotes and images. Role: Art and Copy Direction, photographic treatment
Britto Calendar 2008 for Publix - Cover of Britto calendar 2008 created for Publix. Listed numerous multicultural celebrations in calendar date boxes. Role: Art Direction, design
Britto Calendar 2008 for Publix - Cover/spread for Britto calendar 2008 for Publix. Contained numerous multicultural celebrations listed in calendar date portion. Role: Art Direction, page/typography template design
Britto Calendar 2008 for Publix - Spread from Britto calendar 2008 created for Publix. Listed numerous multicultural celebrations in calendar date boxes. Role: Art Direction, page/typography template design
Cover of Britto calendar 2007 created for Publix. Listed numerous multicultural celebrations in calendar date boxes. Role: Art Direction
Spread from Britto calendar 2007 created for Publix. Listed numerous multicultural celebrations in calendar date boxes. Role: Art Direction
Tree of Life Magazine/CD/website - CD design with mother-oriented music created for proposal for OneWorld which was given to ShopRite. Focus on Latino women. Role: Art and Music Direction
Website Design to accompany Tree of Life Magazine - Created for proposal for OneWorld. Mother's Day celebration promotional materials for ShopRite. Role: New Content Direction of a previously rendered concept.
Proposal design for OneWorld presentation to P&G - Promotional layouts done for sales presentation for OneWorld for their client P&G. Role: Art Direction, design
Proposal design for OneWorld presentation to P&G - Promotional layouts done for sales presentation for OneWorld for their client P&G. Role: Art Direction, design
Magazine cover and content concept created for sales presentation for OneWorld to present to Wal-Mart. Magazine's focus were the health issues faced by different cultures, with a focus on women. Role: Art Direction, Copy/Content Direction
Aislinn Quinn
Creative Director of New Media Miami, FL