Aluminum stand for Digital Ecosystems (Webit Congress 2012, Istambul)

Digital Ecosystems stand was designed with a pixel-like structure in mind. The company needed an appropriate atmosphere to present their services for digital marketing activities. According to the displayed product attributes, the stand had to be technological, light weighted and open.
We designed a modular building system composed by metallic cubes of 1 mm thick aluminum sheet, reinforced by bending it. Each cube is 60 cm tall, weighs only 2,9 kg, and it’s made of 12 laser cut aluminum pieces.

Modules can be packed into boxes to optimize their storage and transportation. The strength of the entire structure is given by the joint of dozens of them. For the Digital Ecosystems stand we used around 300 units.

The resulting booth is demarcated by a 3,60 meters tall modular wall. Cubes are painted in black using an automobile coating technology. The ones located at sight height also have bright colors matching the Digital Ecosystems brand.

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Indissoluble .
The Exhibition Factory Barcelona, Spain