"Hold" - Digital photograph, document from video performance
Sculptural yarn sketch (full view)
Sculptural yarn sketch (detail)
Sculptural yarn sketch (detail)
What is Fiber? Exhibition post card (front)
What is Fiber? Exhibition post card (back)
Hand dyed silk scarf with hand made merino tassels. Edges are machine stitched.
Hand dyed silk scarf with hand made merino tassels. Edges are machine stitched.
Hand dyed silk scarf with hand made merino tassels. Edges are machine stitched.
Digital love for Valentine's Day
Photo documentation of "Penny For Your Thoughts", and interactive floating sculpture. Sculpture consisted of a fabric brain suspended in the air with 30+ helium filled balloons. Participants were invited to interact with the work by dropping pennies into the brain. The more pennies put into the brain, the lower it sank, and ultimately the brain would be grounded when the weight became too much for the balloons to hold.
Photo documentation of "Penny For Your Thoughts", and interactive floating sculpture. Sculpture consisted of a fabric brain suspended in the air with 30+ helium filled balloons. Participants were invited to interact with the work by dropping pennies into the brain. The more pennies put into the brain, the lower it sank, and ultimately the brain would be grounded when the weight became too much for the balloons to hold.
Photo documentation of "Penny For Your Thoughts", and interactive floating sculpture. Sculpture consisted of a fabric brain suspended in the air with 30+ helium filled balloons. Participants were invited to interact with the work by dropping pennies into the brain. The more pennies put into the brain, the lower it sank, and ultimately the brain would be grounded when the weight became too much for the balloons to hold.
Miscellaneous Projects, Fine Art + Fun

Various fine art, craft and design projects.

Ivy Garrigan Monroe
Brand Design & Graphic Standards Specialist Cleveland, OH