The Annual Cycle of American Songbirds Family Game Board - With the main idea of education and motivation, this mailing piece has to serve both parents and their children. The game is composed of 12 square double-sized cards (4.5"x4.5"). One side has the message for the parents about the importance of birds and how to protect them. The other side of the card is a segment of the game board. With all twelve cards properly arranged, the entire game board is revealed. As the families and children play game, they will learn specific information.
The Annual Cycle of American Songbirds Family Game Board
The Annual Cycle of American Songbirds Family Game Board
The Annual Cycle of American Songbirds Family Game Board
The Annual Cycle of American Songbirds Family Game Board
Birds & Shaded Coffee Plantation Pop-up Wall Calendar - The calendar tells information about the operation of the original coffee plantations and contrasts the changes over the last few decades toward a more profit-focused approach that is more harmful to the environment.
Expandable Accordion Fold Box - The animal “red list” is the list of endangered species. I exaggerate the length of the red list by making the box unfold out to create a very long display. The box is red to emphasize the urgency of the endangered species list. I want the viewer to realize that these extinct species and the state of those currently endangered are the direct result of human action.
Endangered Species Survival Game
Endangered Species Survival Game
Hawaii Brochure with Button and Information Sheets
Hawaii Brochure with Button and Information Sheets
Indonesian Biodiversity Booklet with Mobile
Indonesian Biodiversity Booklet with Mobile
Biodiversity Interactive Book
Biodiversity Interactive Book
Biodiversity Interactive Book
Wildlife Conservation Direct Mail