his was a new shelf display unit for Rimmel that I developed to be used in the Sokos Department stores in Finland. It had a powder coated folded sheet steel base with extrusions, vacuum formings and heat bent PETG lenses used to hold the Rimmel products and graphics.
Whilst working in the Coty team I started the generation of the new product development packs. These involved communication with Coty's new product development teams to generate different ways that a new product being launched onto the market could be merchandised on the existing types of display unit. Renderings of the solutions were then combined with approximate cost information from the estimating department to create an easy to use presentation pack for use by the sales team.
During my time at Artform the office where I worked as part of a dedicated design and sales team for the Coty brands was due to be refurbished. I was asked to come up with some layouts for the room and on the back of that work I was asked to develop them and create a Solidworks model and rendering. The project had very tight budget and space constraints. These are the renderings that came about as a result of the work.
James Knight
3D Designer and Project Manager United Kingdom