Branding/Identity for OneLessHipster.
Standalone Facebook cover graphic. Asks what the reader is willing to give up to rid America of a hipster.
Flagship Facebook cover graphic.
Flagship Instagram graphic.
Alternate Instagram graphic. Informative.
Alternate Facebook cover, Informative.
CLIENT: OneLessHipster Campaign

OneLessHipster began as a fundraising campaign designed to allow a convenient and impactful avenue to those passionate about helping young men in the northeast of England realize their worth.

Faced with the challenge of standing out amongst a slew of redundant, conventional fundraising campaigns aimed at the emotional response of their audience, I chose a different course.

Through an intentionally British sarcasm and a cheeky, self-deprecating wit, I created a strategy that engages it's audience on a more cerebral plane than it's contemporaries, encountering them unexpectedly and more aware.

Complemented by a guerilla-marketing effort that includes logo stickers placed in strategic places directing the observer toward the website and hands-on activities featured at local festivals, this campaign has so far raised over $10,000 across all facets.