Branding/Identity for a community-building/sustaining non-profit based in the northeast of England.
A simple card designed to create intrigue. Part of 'The Village Is' guerilla marketing campaign.
Brand identity consisting of three distinct-yet-cooperative community-building initiatives.
CLIENT: The Village Community of north Stockton, England

When I was approached by the Hope Project to design a multifaceted, guerilla-style marketing campaign for a new community-building project in the northeast of England, I jumped at the opportunity. After all, it was the rare chance to get paid to help a cause I wholeheartedly believed in.

I started with an identity that accurately reflected the vision of the project. From there, the shape of the campaign, titled "The Village Is," formed naturally.

- We partnered with the residents associations, neighborhood councils and various national and regional corporations.
- We employed the anti-social youth to canvas the communities of north Stockton with 'The Village Is Here' stickers.
- We commissioned a videographer to produce a 3-minute video to be projected on disused walls all over the 5 low-income estates.
- We re-purposed a touring caravan to serve as a pop-up community in parks all over north Stockton-on-Tees.