After : Before
Storyboard - Simple storyboard illustrating one way of interacting with the new bottle.
Elevational Renderings - In Photoshop *Green labels colour off
Tessalation of Bottle - Keeping within limit of current quantity storage in cages, and benefitting from tessalating the bottles.
Chosen Concept/Model - Final foam block prototype.
Further Development - Experimenting with more new interactions of the milk bottle, including rolling across back of body.
Modelling the concept for feel, size and viability.
Radical Concept - A solution that didn't require being maneuvered, could be operated from inside fridge.
Form Discovery - 2D sketches helping develop a variety of forms.
Inspiration Research - Looking at similar devices and containers to help develop raw ideas.
Consumer Observations - Learning how the users interact, and function the product, identifying key areas of operation.
6 Pint Milk Bottle_Research Assignment
Joel Amos
Bristol/London, England