Pristine Greens Landscape and Management Company Informative Web Site where High End Elegance is emphasized through imagery and typography. Landing Page
Pristine Greens Landscape and Management Company Informative Web Site where High End Elegance is emphasized through imagery and typography. Company Services Page
Pristine Greens Landscape and Management Company Informative Web Site where High End Elegance is emphasized through imagery and typography. Customer Contact and Information Request Page
Pristine Greens Landscape and Management Company Informative Web Site where High End Elegance is emphasized through imagery and typography. Business Profile / About Page
Pristine Greens Landscape and Management Company Informative Web Site where High End Elegance is emphasized through imagery and typography. Portfolio Landing Page with J-Query Image Slider built-in, along with body copy overlay options for descriptions or explanation of service.
eCommerce Based Website Re-Design. Re-designed all graphical elements of the template. Re-Coded the template's CSS file to accommodate to new graphics, color scheme, and type. Creating a more visually attractive template with a layout that supports a simple flow of information; whether graphical, or body copy based.
eCommerce Based Website Re-Design. Re-designed all graphical elements of the template. Re-Coded the template's CSS file to accommodate to new graphics, color scheme, and type. Creating a more visually attractive template with a layout that supports a simple flow of information; whether graphical, or body copy based.
Simplistic, Minimal, Type Based Splash Page design for individuals looking for a custom designed landing page and/or information page, but still utilize popular web-based resources to manage their contact.
Web Design & Layout

Web Design and Template Design.

Jason Wasula
Creative Graphics and Marketing Professional Myrtle Beach, SC