Initial PUBLIC logo trials.
Initial PUBLIC logo trials.
•PUBLIC• screenprinted logo, featuring a halftone smoke and dust fill.
•PUBLIC• screenprinted logo, featuring a halftone smoke and dust fill.
•PUBLIC• screenprinted logo, featuring a halftone smoke and dust fill.
Promo image.
Promo image featuring the band's tagline, "You have a voice. Let's make it PUBLIC."
Promo image featuring the band's tagline, "You have a voice. Let's make it PUBLIC."
•PUBLIC• web logo, featuring a smoke and dust fill.
Abbreviated •P• logo for PUBLIC's Twitter & Instagram accounts.
Album art for PUBLIC's single, "Pretty Face."
Front & back album art for PUBLIC's EP, "Let's Make It."
Album art for PUBLIC's EP, "Let's Make It." Specifically made for iTunes, Spotify & other web applications.
•PUBLIC• fall tour dates cover photo.
•PUBLIC• "Shut Up + Tour" dates cover photo.

A collection of in-use PUBLIC graphic materials I created for their updated 2014 branding.

Jason R. Matheny
Head of Design at Misfit Genius Clothing Cincinnati, OH