Concept Sketches
Set of Thematic Furniture: Bottom of the sea. table, chair, bed, window, bookshelf, door, and fireplace
Game Screenshots
Set of Thematic Furniture: Astrology bed, door, bookshelf, chair, table, fireplace
Set of Thematic Furniture: Pirates & Treasure Island door, bed, fireplace, table, chair, window
Game Screenshots
Set of Thematic Furniture and assets: Christmas chair, fireplace, bed, door, table, and an assortment of assets
Set of Thematic Furniture: Ancient Mesoamerica (Aztec, Maya, Olmec, etc). Bed, door, window, chair, table, bookshelf
Assortment of assets
Game Screenshots
SuperPocus Game Art

Vectorial art for SuperPocus a Facebook game by Slide Inc.
Tons of themed furniture and small assets for SuperPocus, Academy of Magic, a Facebook social web game developed by Slide Inc. Lead Design by Kevin Ho and Kyle Hoyt and nicely animated by Johnny Burgess

Jaume illustration
illustrator Barcelona, Spain