Eat Street. An App that lets you find street food around the UK. You can log in as an 'Eater', someone that is looking to buy and eat food. Or a 'Vendor', someone that is looking to sell their goods.
This is your 'Eater' Profile. You can see your posts, take photos, search for vendors, see your friends and followers and see your favourite places and vendors
This is the 'Eaters' home screen. You can see what others have posted, comment and like their photos and also use their referral codes.
You can take pictures of what you buy and share it with your friends and followers.You can also generate referral codes for others to use.
When sharing a photo you can add locations to help 'Eaters' find your stall. You can also connect to social media websites.
This is your 'Vendor' Profile. You can edit your info to let your followers know where to find you and find out when you're open.
You can change your menu if you've got anything new to it and add prices for your dishes.
You can see all the photos you've posted.
Ever vendor would like to know how they're doing. You can see reviews written about your stall from your followers or people that have tried your dishes.
This is the 'Vendors' home screen. You can post photos of your stall and food to help promote your business. You can also generate promotional codes (exclusive to vendors only) and referral codes for your followers.
There is a side navigation bar in the app that can be accessed and hidden by sliding from the left.
If you have favourite vendors you like visiting, you can favourite them to make it easier to find information about their stall.
Eat Street has a loyalty system. Collect points by successfully referring your followers to earn rewards.
Save referrals from your friends and followers to use them for later.
Show the vendor your QR code, which the app generates for you.
Search for places in the search bar or add specific words to narrow down the search. Geo-tags appear depending on what you've searched for. Select what vendor to find information about them.
Eat Street

Eat Street. An App that lets you find street food around the UK. You can log in as an 'Eater', someone that is looking to buy and eat food. Or a 'Vendor', someone that is looking to sell their goods.

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Gerard Salac
Product Designer | Graphic Designer | Web App and... London, United Kingdom