3D procedural textures for details visual language and materials functions
CMF design strategy
Speedo Biofuse 2.0

Introducing the Biofuse 2.0 Goggles, the latest iconic product by Speedo to the market for sportive swimmers. With a circular design approach, these goggles offer a sleek and stylish look, combined with maximum comfort and performance. The Biofuse Goggles are designed with the user in mind, ensuring a comfortable fit with its enhanced gasket and wide vision. These goggles are made from eco-friendly materials and are ultra-resistant, providing excellent durability in all conditions.

The unique patented mechanism provides the best user experience, with an easy setup, reusable design, a superior antifog and anti-UV technology. Whether you're playing, training, or travelling, these goggles are perfect for your aquatic needs.

Get yours now on the Decathlon website and experience the ultimate in swimwear.

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Freelance, Full-time
Jean Hong
Industrial Design Director Paris, France