Example shots from "Go Shark Yourself!" a mobile app promoting the Sharknado brand. It allowed users to utilize their camera to incorporate themselves into shark-infested collaged images of their design. *Nominated for 2014 W3 Award* *Nominated for 2015 PromaxBDA Award* https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sharknado-go-shark-yourself!/id892828540?ls=1&mt=8
Sample from Syfy Sync, a 2nd screen app experience available for certain shows. Here is an example UI featuring Face Off. *Syfy Sync Nominated for 2014 W3 Award* http://www.syfy.com/sync
Sample from Syfy Sync, a 2nd screen app experience available for certain shows. Here is an example UI featuring the poll interface. *Syfy Sync Nominated for 2014 W3 Award* http://www.syfy.com/sync
Sample from Syfy Sync, a 2nd screen app experience available for certain shows. Here is an example UI featuring the quiz interface. *Syfy Sync Nominated for 2014 W3 Award* http://www.syfy.com/sync
Sharknado landing page during the Sharknado 2 campaign over the summer of 2014. My original concept also had some added campiness to enhance the already-campy flavor of the movie; tiny parallax sharks that would rain down on a tiny chainsaw-wielding Ian Ziering as the user scrolled down the page, but we didn't have enough development time to do it. http://www.syfy.com/sharknado
An example of how the chat function for Syfy Sync might appear. http://www.syfy.com/sync
Example of Syfy Sync in action, showing off one of the "photo" events that would appear simultaneously while the appropriate episode is airing. http://www.syfy.com/sync
Mock up for how a "quiz" event would look in Syfy Sync, which prompts the user to interact with trivia and games while the show is in session. http://www.syfy.com/sync
A few mocks of how Syfy Sync would appear on a mobile device. http://www.syfy.com/sync
An interactive map + twitter feed for viewers to follow the characters' story throughout the full first season of Z Nation. Here they can check trivia, catch up with episodes, and follow the twitter account of a character named Citizen Z. http://www.syfy.com/znation/maps
A popularity index featured used in Opposite Worlds, in which viewers actual tweets would be aggregated and help determine each week's winner. The chart would ebb and flow depending on the live tweets about each cast member. http://www.syfy.com/oppositeworlds/popularity
A section from "The Wall", an immersive companion experience for fans of "12 Monkeys". *Nominated for 2015 PromaxBDA Award* http://www.syfy.com/12monkeys/wall/
An example of just one of the items you can "examine" within The Wall in the 12 Monkeys experience. http://www.syfy.com/12monkeys/wall/
Homepage for Syfy.com. http://www.syfy.com/
Example photo gallery page for Bitten, on Syfy.com http://www.syfy.com/bitten/photos
Digging deeper into Syfy.com, here is an example of a cast page. http://www.syfy.com/sharknado2/cast/fin-shepard/2015
Syfy digital

UI/UX and web design samples done for Syfy digital. Small sampling of web work, 2nd screen app experiences, site sections and various other mobile apps for various SyFy brands.

Please see Syfy.com for an overall view of the properties, brands and UI I work on daily.

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Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Jennifer Seng
UI/UX Interactive Design & Digital Illustration New York, NY