Heineken DraughtKeg Emailer - What makes Heieneken exceptional is not just the taste of it, it's the amazing team that I got to work along with. I was fortunate to be on this team. This was my first real portfolio piece from my very first fulltime job and I was quite happy with it. Not only that, I love the reactions that people had. By the way, be sure to check the draughtkeg site (that advertising was free ;-) ).
LG Electronics Steam Website - This piece was very interesting to put together. I liked it because I was able to view different agencies working together along with talented programmers from start to finish. My task on this was extremely fun. I designed a few subpages but the things that I am mostly proud of was the preloader (it's a thermometer), and motion tests that I handed to the programmer upon completion. I learned a great deal and I am thankful for the opportunity.
LG Steam Hero Space Ad - I was very used to standard banner ads but LG Electronics has a specific "hero space" that they have on their websites. It's bigger than the average banner ad and I thought it would have been static, then I was asked to create motion, then they launched it with something static (oh how easy it is to make these decisions sometimes *sarcasm*). My task was to design something for the launch of the LG Steam Site. I simply used assets from the actual site that made it quite simple.
Dice Landing Page and Banner Ads - This was for Dice.com jobmatch website. I thought it was ingenious when I first came onto the Dice Team. This concept was a spoof off match.com but with Jobs. I thought it was really neat. My task was to create banners and animate the landing page. I fell in love with flash in this campaign because it made it so much easier for other projects that followed.
Nestlé Noir Minisite - Who doesn't like working with chocolate? This was one of my favorite pieces because I was free to create anything. I decided to use a flowing visual much like the one on the box of the actual chocolate (which was delicious by the way). I did a few motion tests in flash as well but sadly the site was sent to Canada to be completed. This project allowed me to learn a great deal of budgeting aspects of advertising.
Advertising Agency Work
Jerlyn Thomas
Senior Interactive Graphic Designer New York City, NY