Smartlab - Zombie

A zombie outbreak is no game- you have to use your braaain! The dead are walking and it's up to you to solve the mystery and stop the zombie epidemic. Follow the clues by reading the short graphic novel and examining the squishy zombie model in a race against time and contagion. Look for bite marks, examine rotting flesh and probe squishy organs to identify the origins of the zombie's infection. The graphic novel written by educator David Hunter makes exploring the scientific method and the science behind diseases a lesson in zombie-based fun.


Industrial Designer


-Plastic Engineering

-Product Renders

-Package Engineering

-Content Development

-Quality Control


-This was a very unwieldy doll, but the goal was to have in stand in the box as a “Try Me.” I designed a vacuum formed packaging that held all the components in place, displayed the dolls features and could hold up to the tough retail conditions of a toy aisle.

Jerome Healy
Industrial Designer seattle, WA