Logo Design - A logo design for a traditional Teriyaki restaurant using non-traditional colors. Such colors as golden-yellow instead of red.
Buy 10, Get One Free! - Punchcard created as a promotional piece for the restaurant. Displays the logo, catch phrase, name, location and contact information.
Printed Pieces - Business card with logo, name. location and contact information.
Menu (Front) - 8.5" x 11," Bi-Fold, menu designed for Sunny Teriyaki & Redmond Mart's unique location and services.
Menu (back) - 8.5" x 11," Bi-Fold, menu designed for Sunny Teriyaki & Redmond Mart's unique location and services.
Sunny Teriyaki & Redmond Mart

Logo design, business collateral, vinyl signs, and apparel.

Freelance, Full-time
Jessica Colón
Graphic Designer Kirkland, WA