Just a few from the many... - Sterling Silver with gold plating...
Just a few from the many... - Sterling Silver with gold plating...
Just a few from the many... - Sterling Silver with gold plating...
Just a few from the many... - Sterling Silver with gold plating...
Trail of Beauty - This design is a part of the collection "Dance of the Mayur" created for the Vero India Jewels www.veroindia.com It is inspired by the beauty of the plumage of a Peacock when he even when as walks the wild jungles before the beautiful rain dance performance. More details on this design and pricing can be found at www.designdepot.blogspot.com
www.designdepot.blogspot.com - Om... Tribute to Lord Shiva It is beleived that when the sound of the word OM reverbrates from the innermost concenration of a being, it is reiterating the Sound of the Universe. It stands for Peace by mentioning in its jist the names of The Creator, The Protector and The Creative Destructor... Brahma Vishnu Mahesh. The color blue represents the colors of Lord Shiva... the Destructor the one we pray to with the sound of Om Details of the product and pricing can be found at www.designdepot.blogspot.com
Paisleys to the Peacock - This Design is a part of my collection, "Dance of the Mayur" compiled initially for the Vero India Jewels www.veroindia.com. This particular design encorporates the most famous represntation of the National Bird of India... the peacock in the Paisley or the mango motif. The delicately hanging pearls introduce an element of interest while driving the traditional feel of the peice to a sober background. More details about this design and prices can be found on www.designdepot.blogspot.com
Jewel Sutra
Jewel Sutra Woodbridge, NJ