
Original tape is in a circular shape, and this makes it easier for the tape to roll around or fall down when it placed on a table or the ground. Since normal tape is in a circular shape, it takes more effort for rotation and leads to great amount of wasted tape. EDGE TAPE is a rectangular shaped tape which is roll-proof, and there is no risk of the tape falling from a high place. Additionally, a jammed feeling can be felt whenever EDGE TAPE is used. Therefore, the amount of used tape can be controlled and lead to efficient use. The rectangular EDGE TAPE prevents the tape from rotating too much due to its four angled corners. Therefore, the tape can be conserved. Fun patterns like the pacman pattern were inserted on the edges of the EDGE tape which allows it to be easy to figure out how much tape is left. Therefore, it can induce people to conserve tape.

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Jin Won Heo
Student Busan, Korea, South Korea