Logo design for SAFE. Designed in Illustrator.
Poster for Shrinking Violet Society, Roller Prom event. Designed in Illustrator.
Flyer for Ladies Who Lunch, monthly social gathering by the Shrinking Violet Society. Designed in Illustrator.
Flyer for Ladies Who Lunch, monthly social gathering by the Shrinking Violet Society. Designed in Illustrator.
Poster, advertising social event for Main Market. Designed in Photoshop.
Design concepts for invitations. Designed in Illustrator.
"Bern Down for What" poster design. Created for the Spokane for Bernie Sanders group. Photoshop work.
Retractable tradeshow banner for Allera Health Products. Designed in Photoshop.
Print advertisement for ImmuneExtra. Typography layout, product photography and stock pinecone image. Designed in Illustrator.
Branding for Celia Friedman, interior designer. Logo and business card designed, selected PMS color for printing. Designed in Illustrator.
Print advertisement for the Inlander publication for Restaurant Week. Designed for Browne's Tavern. Designed in Illustrator.
Freelance Work

Freelance design work for various small businesses, friends or the Shrinking Violet Society.

Freelance, Full-time
Jamie Burton
Visual Designer Henderson, NV