Maka Bana Game pieces - Tropical design for this great and colorfull game.
MakaBana - Boardgame design for Tilsit. Sculptures for the game pieces and digital illustrations for the board and the cards.
Terra GALACTIX logo
Terra GALACTIX Global view
Terra Galactix game pieces - I have worked on several games. Here you can see the "Terra Galactix" game pieces. The UFO's can stack up for the "INVASION" rules and for the "Galactic War" they can cover and drag 3 elements around. For this game I also designed the board, the box, the rule leaflet and the illustrations for the cards. Visit
Terra GALACTIX details
Game pieces lab sculptures - Two sculptures for Tilsit. Top was for the game "Key Largo" and the other for "Baron". Tilsit didn't want me to follow the manufacturing process for the final pieces (I was probably to expensive). The game pieces ended up looking awful, that made me mad and sad, that's why I'm only showing you the pieces I worked on, I'm ashamed to show you the pieces that are in the boxes, I'm not responsible for the massacre.
Game pieces for the game "SKAAL" - I usually work on relatively big sized sculptures when I make my models. For this game I was surprised to see that the pieces produced where reduced to tiny little pieces, a lot of details disappeared, they still look ok but the dwarf are really to small. These are pictures of the game pieces you will find in the boxes.
SKAAL game pieces
HIMALAYA global view
HIMALAYA boardgame - Here you can see some details of the elements I worked on this game. Illustrations made in Photoshop and game pieces made with my hands and real tools you can hold and feel.
"Aux Sabords!" Boardgame - I did everything on this game, except the rules and the dice :) More information here :
johann Aumaitre
Soap Maker and Soap Designer Poitiers, France