THE BAT SIGNAL. Updated the traditional Batman signal for Warner Bros Pictures for the feature film Batman Begins. Was indented to be used for early promotional material, but eventually became the basis for all promotional materials, as well as the Batarang itself throughout the Dark Knight Trilogy of films. NOTE, I do not own the rights to the promotional graphics or footage shown here...this was merely to show the logo design in use. (Identity and Logo Design / Client: Warner Bros. Pictures 2004)
BIGFOOT PRESENTATION (part 1 of 2). On screen presentation for the HBO drama series "The Newsroom" (Season 1, Episode 4). The next slide below shows a clip of the presentation within the episode. NOTE, I do not own the rights to the graphics or footage shown here...this was merely to show the presentation in context. (Presentation Design / Client: HBO, iSolve Inc 2011)
BIGFOOT PRESENTATION (part 2 of 2 - video clip). See description in previous slide.
iSOLVE WEBSITE CONCEPTS. Unused concepts for the website design and identity branding for iSolve Inc. (Web Design / Client: iSolve Inc 2011)
INTEGRATED MEDIA GROUP. Logo, website design and flash animation for Integrated Media Group LLC and it's sister company IMG Pictures. The website served as the company's main source of marketing and sales, with a portfolio of work built into the page's contents. (Identity, Logo and Web Design / Client: Integrated Media Group LLC 2006)
SPIRIT AEROSYSTEMS WEBSITE. Graphic design, flash animation and wireframe experience consulting of Spirit Aerosystem's website. This was the final version of their web presence before the migration to "Web 2.0", HTML5 or responsive web design implementation. (Web Design / Client: Spirit Aerosystems 2009)
DIGITAL RENAISSANCE. Logo design and identity branding for Digital Renaissance LLC. (Identity and Logo Design / Client: Digital Renaissance LLC 2000)
KA MANA. Logo design for rock band "Ka Mana" while they were recording under Interscope Records. (Identity and Logo Design / Client: Ka Mana and Interscope Records 2003)
HP SALES TRAINING. Course layout and graphic design of all concepts, slides and animation. Worked closely with SME's from Martiz Learning and HP to design course concepts. Delivered course on a web-based/flash platform. (e-Learning Course Design / Client: Maritz Learning and HP 2003)
HP SALES TRAINING. Course layout and graphic design of all concepts, slides and animation. Worked closely with SME's from Martiz Learning and HP to design course concepts. Delivered course on a web-based/flash platform. (e-Learning Course Design / Client: Maritz Learning and HP 2003)
SABER TECHNOLOGY PRESENTATION. On screen presentation for the Walt Disney feature film "G-Forceā€. (Presentation Design / Client: Walt Disney Studios, iSolve Inc 2009)
KEY CONSTRUCTION WEBSITE. Graphic design and wireframe experience consulting of Key Construction's website. This was the final version of their website before their migration to "Web 2.0", HTML5 or responsive web design implementation. (Web Design / Client: Riversharpe LLC and Key Construction 2009)
BRIGHTLINE iTV WEBSITE. Graphic design and wireframe experience consulting of Brightline ITV's website. This was the final version of their website before their migration to "Web 2.0", HTML5 or responsive web design implementation, as well as their re-branding to just "Brightline". (Web Design / Client: Integrated Media Group and Brightline ITV 2009)
BETHANY COLLEGE WEBSITE. Graphic design and wireframe experience consulting of Bethany College's student web portal. This was the final version of their website before their migration to "Web 2.0", HTML5 or responsive web design implementation. (Web Design / Client: Integrated Media Group and Bethany College 2009)
HEMISPHERE 2. Logo and identity design, and packaging for beta software platform "Hemisphere 2". (Identity, Logo and Packaging Design / Client: Riversharpe LLC 2001)
METROPOLIS. Logo and identity design, and packaging for beta software platform "Metropolis". (Identity, Logo and Packaging Design / Client: Riversharpe LLC 2001)
IHOP NATIONAL FRANCHISE CONFERENCE. Logo design and branding for IHOP's National Franchise Conference. (Identity and Logo Design / Client: ASE Group Inc and IHOP 2001)
GRAPHICS / design & brand

Graphic design and identity design samples

Freelance, Full-time
John Nguyen
Art Director / Editor / Motion / VFX / Instructor Kansas City, MO