Photopolymer print of Jimi Hendrix and the proofing press it was printed on. I hand mixed the ink onto the plate before printing. It took two days to wash the ink off of my hands.
Broadside with a quote from 2001: A Space Odyssey. The background was pressure printed and HAL is made up of a series of letter O's layered on top of each other.
A thank you card I printed for those who attended my graduation (and gave much needed graduation money). I printed a set of 48 on the press in only a few hours. The background of the photo is one of our type drawers at the IU typeshop.
The largest plate in our collection is this one with artwork depicting the Hagia Sofia. I was dying to make use of it and came upon this quote from De Aedificiis by Procopius (circa 560). I printed the artwork by spritzing mineral spirits on the already inked up plate. Then I printed the quote in crimson over top of it. This artwork was featured, along with a booklet, at a BFA gallery show. I later sold a copy for $125 which paid for a cutting board, some blades, and a ton of fine paper.
Letterpress Work

This is a collection of various work I made on the letterpress while at Indiana University. I was very fortunate to be able to use the resources at the typeshop here at IU, it's not something most schools have.

Thomas Jefferson said that "The press is the best instrument for enlightening the mind of man, and improving him as a rational, moral and social being."

This quote sums up my experience on the press. It is an art-form that requires a keen understanding of mathematics and spatial reasoning combined with a talent for design and artisinal skill. It is probably the thing I'll miss most about IU.

Jonathan Walker
Graphic Designer & Project Manager Mill Creek, WA