"8MM Nightshot" documentary explores underground hip-hop elements graffiti and turntablism. Showcasing different styles of Graffiti (character art, outlines, tags and pieces.) while using the art of turntablism (scratching, beat mixing/matching and juggling.) to express the interviewers message.
Watch &quot;Graffiti in 10 years&quot; in 720p. <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rU5xKlcRXJI" rel="nofollow">www.youtube.com/watch?v=rU5xKlcRXJI</a>
"8MM Nightshot" documentary explores underground hip-hop elements graffiti and turntablism. Showcasing different styles of Graffiti (character art, outlines, tags and pieces.) while using the art of turntablism (scratching, beat mixing/matching and juggling.) to express the interviewers message.
"8MM Nightshot" documentary explores underground hip-hop elements graffiti and turntablism. Showcasing different styles of Graffiti (character art, outlines, tags and pieces.) while using the art of turntablism (scratching, beat mixing/matching and juggling.) to express the interviewers message.
"8MM Nightshot" documentary explores underground hip-hop elements graffiti and turntablism. Showcasing different styles of Graffiti (character art, outlines, tags and pieces.) while using the art of turntablism (scratching, beat mixing/matching and juggling.) to express the interviewers message.
"8MM Nightshot" documentary explores underground hip-hop elements graffiti and turntablism. Showcasing different styles of Graffiti (character art, outlines, tags and pieces.) while using the art of turntablism (scratching, beat mixing/matching and juggling.) to express the interviewers message.
"8MM Nightshot" documentary explores underground hip-hop elements graffiti and turntablism. Showcasing different styles of Graffiti (character art, outlines, tags and pieces.) while using the art of turntablism (scratching, beat mixing/matching and juggling.) to express the interviewers message.
"8MM Nightshot" documentary explores underground hip-hop elements graffiti and turntablism. Showcasing different styles of Graffiti (character art, outlines, tags and pieces.) while using the art of turntablism (scratching, beat mixing/matching and juggling.) to express the interviewers message.
"8MM Nightshot" documentary explores underground hip-hop elements graffiti and turntablism. Showcasing different styles of Graffiti (character art, outlines, tags and pieces.) while using the art of turntablism (scratching, beat mixing/matching and juggling.) to express the interviewers message.
"8MM Nightshot" documentary explores underground hip-hop elements graffiti and turntablism. Showcasing different styles of Graffiti (character art, outlines, tags and pieces.) while using the art of turntablism (scratching, beat mixing/matching and juggling.) to express the interviewers message.
"8MM Nightshot" documentary explores underground hip-hop elements graffiti and turntablism. Showcasing different styles of Graffiti (character art, outlines, tags and pieces.) while using the art of turntablism (scratching, beat mixing/matching and juggling.) to express the interviewers message.
"8MM Nightshot" documentary explores underground hip-hop elements graffiti and turntablism. Showcasing different styles of Graffiti (character art, outlines, tags and pieces.) while using the art of turntablism (scratching, beat mixing/matching and juggling.) to express the interviewers message.
"8MM Nightshot" documentary explores underground hip-hop elements graffiti and turntablism. Showcasing different styles of Graffiti (character art, outlines, tags and pieces.) while using the art of turntablism (scratching, beat mixing/matching and juggling.) to express the interviewers message.
"8MM Nightshot" documentary explores underground hip-hop elements graffiti and turntablism. Showcasing different styles of Graffiti (character art, outlines, tags and pieces.) while using the art of turntablism (scratching, beat mixing/matching and juggling.) to express the interviewers message.
"8MM Nightshot" documentary explores underground hip-hop elements graffiti and turntablism. Showcasing different styles of Graffiti (character art, outlines, tags and pieces.) while using the art of turntablism (scratching, beat mixing/matching and juggling.) to express the interviewers message.
"8MM Nightshot" documentary explores underground hip-hop elements graffiti and turntablism. Showcasing different styles of Graffiti (character art, outlines, tags and pieces.) while using the art of turntablism (scratching, beat mixing/matching and juggling.) to express the interviewers message.
"8MM Nightshot" documentary explores underground hip-hop elements graffiti and turntablism. Showcasing different styles of Graffiti (character art, outlines, tags and pieces.) while using the art of turntablism (scratching, beat mixing/matching and juggling.) to express the interviewers message.
"8MM Nightshot" documentary explores underground hip-hop elements graffiti and turntablism. Showcasing different styles of Graffiti (character art, outlines, tags and pieces.) while using the art of turntablism (scratching, beat mixing/matching and juggling.) to express the interviewers message.
"8MM Nightshot" documentary explores underground hip-hop elements graffiti and turntablism. Showcasing different styles of Graffiti (character art, outlines, tags and pieces.) while using the art of turntablism (scratching, beat mixing/matching and juggling.) to express the interviewers message.
Graffiti in 10 years video

Graffiti in 10 years

Jovan J
Motion Graphics/Compositor Chicago, IL