WARning Thesis - My senior thesis was "warning about the consequences of war through graphic design." * 18 x 24 inch Poster *Publication "WARning" *Toy-soldier "give-aways" (for the public to take at exhibit) which state on tags: "Graphic design can warn about the consequences of war through typography, bold symbolic images, color, and scale." Role in publication: Designer, photographer, writer (of 50 page publication)
Blondie Box Set - Packaging Design Designed Box Set for 1980's Punk-Rock/Disco band Blondie. The name of the Box Set is "Primary". Blondie was the primary (first) group to combine rock/rap and rock/disco songs. Accordingly chose the "primary" colors (of the color wheel) red, blue and yellow to represent the overall theme.
Design Museum of Milan products - Environmental Design *Selected pieces from fictional "Design Museum of Milan" branding. *(Above) Logo, stationary letterhead, men and women's T-shirts, and spread from museum shop catalog.
"NO CHOICE-Know the Facts" - Abortion Rights Poster Poster to be displayed at bus stops. Typography portrays women that have no choice, have no rights.