Monk SF Business Card - Actual printed business card with slogan on the back

Original ZL Construction Business Card - This is the original design the client choose for his first run of business cards

ZL Construction Business Card - Here is the revised second run of business cards, client wanted empahsis on his name and his areas of expertise

Regimen Business Cards - This is the business card for the owner of the Regimen, color, layout, style and font was all predetermined by the client.

Regimen Appointment Card - The color was chosen to be different than the business card color as to not get confused with each other

ZL Construction Business Card - Front - Here is the business card for Zali of ZL Construction

ZL Construction Business Card - Back - Here is the back of the business card for Zali of ZL Construction

The Regimen Business Card - Logo and color schemes for the client. This is the mens business card where the "men" was emphasized

The Regimen Business card back - Here is the back of the mens business card. Certain words and phrases were emphasized with color as requested by the client

Regimen Teal Logo and Tag Line - Logo and color schemes for the client. Here is the Teal logo and tag line. This was created for the client to use in different print and media.

Regimen Brown Logo and Tag Line - Logo and color schemes for the client. Here is the brown logo and tag line. Created for the client to use in different print and web media

My Business Card - My original business card for ZL Construction

Business Card Back - My original business card (back) for ZL Construction