3d render - Form based on the interaction between an elliptic paraboloid and three toroids, then stretching the result sidewards and materializing specific elements of that form Forma basada en la interaccion entre un paraboloide eliptico, luego una transfomacion homeometrica hacia un lateral, y concrecion de elementos especificos de la forma
descriptive - Development of a form based on the interaction between an elliptic paraboloid and three toroids, then stretching the result sidewards and materializing specific elements of that form Desarrollo de una forma basada en la interaccion entre un paraboloide eliptico, luego una transfomacion homeometrica hacia un lateral, y concrecion de elementos especificos de la forma
model pic A - model crafted in plywood sheets, epoxy putty and PVC wire maqueta hecha en placas de MDF, masilla epoxi y varilla de PVC
model pic B - model crafted in plywood sheets, epoxy putty and PVC wire maqueta hecha en placas de MDF, masilla epoxi y varilla de PVC
model pic C - model crafted in plywood sheets, epoxy putty and PVC wire maqueta hecha en placas de MDF, masilla epoxi y varilla de PVC
model pic D - model crafted in plywood sheets, epoxy putty and PVC wire maqueta hecha en placas de MDF, masilla epoxi y varilla de PVC
team models - team models in exhibition teamwork with Santiago Fraga Di Bella and Alejandra Garcia Lavezzari
Form Study #2

Form study involving interaction between conic surfaces and geometric sequences.

Freelance, Full-time
Juan Farina
Industrial Designer / Furniture Designer / Teacher Buenos Aires, Argentina