Eat This! - Oil Painting selected for all promotional materials for large Illustration Exhibition in Savannah, GA
Indian Camp (cover illustration) - Mixed media (colored pencil, oils, Photoshop) design for a cover for a short story by Earnest Hemingway.
Gilded Al Sharpton caricature - Editorial illustration of the controversial Rev. Al Sharpton. Oil Paint with gold leaf.
Pineapple face - Oil Painting created for my promotional mailer.
Illustration for article on Economics - Mixed media (oils, painted paper clippings, scratch board) editorial illustration concerning the economy.
Illustration for article on Mad Cow disease - Pen, ink, watercolor and gouache editorial illustration on mad cow disease
Bert and Ernie Go to Town - Illustration showing the true nature of "public" figures. Selected for the Society of Illustrators Annual Student Showcase (2004) and winner of the SCAD Society of Illustrators Best in Show juried exhibition.
Illustration Work
Freelance, Full-time
Justin Bergmann
Marketing and Design Professional Denver, CO