Mailer - Cover - Promotional Material for Corinna Raznikov Photography. Double Sumo Size, Front Cover.
Mailer - Interior - Inside spread for Raznikov Photography promotional material. Not shown: vellum insert price list (laid over photo collage on right side).
Mailer - Back - Back of promotional material for Raznikov Photography. Served as address area. Double sumo size.
Wind Brochure Interior - Interior of Customized 3-fold brochure for General Compression; fully opened
DG-Horizons Book Cover
DG-Horizons Book Itinerary
Wind Brochure Exterior - Exterior of customized 3-fold brochure for General Compression - fully opened.
Turbine Brochure Interior
Turbine Brochure Exterior
Maxim Toys Catalog cover - Concept for 2007 toy catalog targeted at retailers.
Catalog TOC - Concept for Table of contents for Toy catalog. Catalog is targeted at retailers.
Digital Globe Datasheet - Variety of satellite imagery ads - variation on concepts and image focus
Business Card Design - Business Card design for event planner.
Living Well Invitation - Accordian fold pop-up invitation for women's discussion group.
Higher Education Mailer (unfolded x1) - View of mailer for educational forum. Unfolded one time. Due to time constraint and budget, photos and illustrations were not an option. Multi-functional mailer served as envelope, retainable schedule/directions, and returnable registration.
DG Print Collateral
DG Print Collateral
DG Supplement for Reps - coverage map
DG Tradeshow Vertical Banner
Maxim Catalog Subtitle Concept - Concept for toy catagory for annual catalog
Toy Catalog Concept - sorry for pixelation - This is a concept design for a catalog aimed at Toy retailers. Concepts focused on trees, growing, and different definitions of the word 'play'.
DG-Horizons Event Signage
Kelly Pelissier
Print and Web Media Designer Swansea, MA