Graphic of a super deformed EP-3E Aries II for VQ-2
Modified Fighting 31 patch showcasing an homage to one of its members becoming a part of the international space station.
Ashley Brumm Memorial Icon for a beloved EMT member that passed away.
Bloody Serenade logo and title work used for a music video and short film.
Feral Druid Cats from the game World of Warcraft.
Commissioned Works (Digital Design)

This section showcases some of the various commissioned work I have completed. These artworks were completed using a combination of Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. I use a pen tablet when creating these works. Some of the more recent works include:

1. A super deformed VQ-2 Squadron EP-3E Aries II aircraft.

2. Modified Fighting 31 patch showcasing an homage to one of its members becoming a part of the international space station.

3. Ashley Brumm Memorial Icon for a beloved EMT member that passed away.

4. Bloody Serenade logo and title work used for a music video and short film.

5. Feral Druid Cats from the game World of Warcraft.

6. Various portraits, figures, and other artworks.

Alexander Roh
S1000D Tech Writer / Technical Illustrator California, MD