Here is the basic layout of the Home page. It has a news section and future release information.
Main title and logo for the flash website
An example from the Chapter Selection page. This page had a submittable form for readers to provide feedback and comments.
Logo/Title as shown on the main splash page where the user enters the website.
Sables Guardian

SablesGuardian is a flash based website geared towards interactive web comics. The goal of this website was to showcase versatility of various flash elements. When entering the website, you would have a splash page that allowed the user to enter the website. There is music that plays on the website, and can be turned off. The website featured a basic top navigation bar that included Home, Introduction, Bio, and Chapter Selection. The Home page would allow the user to look at basic news or updates for the comic. The Introduction page would have a general synopsis for the comic. The Bio page would have brief biographies for all of the characters that appear within the comic. The Chapter Selection page is where users could select a chapter, and go through the various pages of the comic.

Alexander Roh
S1000D Tech Writer / Technical Illustrator California, MD