Ardu, brave yet mysterious knight, that starts the game off running into the castle in search of Princess Poy.
Ardu, Character Sketch
Princess Poy
Princess Poy, Character Sketch
Terry the Toothbrush, helper icon
First Boss, Alcared
Heapster - Eric Schmitt
Heapster - Karen Flores
Heapster - Carlos Dacosta
Heapster - Nick raia
Close-combat weapon for Ardu
Weapon for Ardu
Range Weapons for Ardu (Potato Launcher and Fireballs)
Room - Kitchen
Room -Bed Chambers
Room - Foyer
Room - Dungeon

Eden is a top-down game that tells the tale of Ardu, our heroic knight, on a quest to save Princess Poy from the clutches of "evil".

For: Senior Project at Farmingdale State College.
Collaboration with: Nick Raia, Carlos Dacosta, Eric Schmitt and myself. Better known for our group name "Heapsters".

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Karen Flores
Programmer/Artist New York, NY