Version 1. Deciding how to layout the text.
Version 2. Deciding how to layout the text.
Version 3. Deciding how to layout the text.
Version 4. Deciding how to layout the text.
Version 5. Text and placement layout development.
Version 6. Text and placement layout development. Background begins to expand as well.
Version 7. Text, placement, and layout development.
Version 8. Background development.
Version 9. Background and color development.
Version 10. Final version.
Arthur Flowers--Hoodoo

Arthur Flowers Poster Project

With an excerpt taken from “Another Good Loving Blues” by Arthur Flowers the purpose was to find one that I found particularly meaningful or interesting. Once chosen, the task was to figure out a way to communicate the selection in a typographic way in the form of a mounted poster measuring 30 by 40 inches. The poster could only use self-created imagery. This project for me represented a way to make a certain aspect of the story come to life.

“It was early one morning in the Sweetwater Woods. They were out gathering herbs, specifically Life Everlasting. She always gathered in morning, said morning was best for the earth’s medicine. ‘The earth is stronger then.’ Hoodoo talk.”

Kate Johnson
Graphic Designer San Mateo, CA