Poetical Crisis :: Real time data visualization installation :: Parsons MFA Thesis - News media data was searched and processed to unfold the complexity of the crisis phenomenon through art and visual poetry, using the power of shortened language and typographic visualization. Developed interactive structure using Flash with Actionscript 3, PHP and XML data feed using the DayLife API, and visual design through an iterative prototype process. Final execution was installed inside a newspaper dispenser. Exhibited at the 2009 Parsons MFA Symposium.
Morning Thoughts Collective :: Thesis Prototype - In this low fidelity prototype of visual poetry, emotionally driven data comprised of first morning thoughts collected from willing participants were visualized through shortened language and interactive animation. Collected the data from participants using Survey Monkey. Developed the visual design direction as well as the interactive structure using Flash with Actionscript 3.
Truisms by Jenny Holzer :: Flash Gallery - A low fidelity prototype of an interactive Flash gallery using artist, Jenny Holzer’s renowned “Truisms” as content. Build for a class assignment in an Advanced Flash graduate school class for MFA coursework at Parsons The New School for Design. Developed the visual design direction in Adobe Photoshop as well as the interactive structure using Adobe Flash with Actionscript 3.
CheckPoint Desktop Widget Application :: Collaborative project completed as Parsons MFA coursework - Corporate internal social networking application proposed to executives at JP Morgan and Chase during the fall of 2008. Desktop widget was designed to enhance connections between a worldwide network of JP Morgan and Chase employees. The application collects information from JPMorgan Chase's online Phone Book application, providing employee information and integrating social media interactivity. Contributed to the application's concept, interface, and information design.
Interactive Concepts
Katie Levitt
Web Designer and Front-End Developer Atlanta, GA