Packing/Sick Self-portrait - I made this drawing in my sketchbook one time before I moved. I was particularly sick that day, which explains my introverted demeanor and the "go away" mat. Pencil on sketch paper.
Wall-E w/Wacom - Just a couple of sketches I made when I first started working with a Wacom tablet. That's a lot to get used to, so I'm not overly proud of them, but I love Wall-E, so I'm sharing anyway. Completely digital, made in Sketchbook Pro.
Frank in Charcoal - Fairly old sketch of Frank Sinatra using just charcoal. Lots of fun to make, and allowed me to work with Charcoal for the first time.
Bark at the Moon - All Prismacolor markers. Simple as what you see here.
60s Lamp - I found this lamp on a blog I frequent. It was a flea market find, I believe, but I just loved the look, so I drew it up myself. All colored pencil in my sketchbook.
Honda Insight - I made this drawing when I was studying commercial art at VU. It's a collection of various density pencils on paper.
Marker Stains - A marker rendition of an office chair. Simple, yet complex.
Kitchenwares - Just a random page from a sketchbook. I like kitchen appliances. The lines, the functionality... It's awesome. Pencil and colored pencil.
The Slot
Characters... - Another page from my sketchbook. Many of the characters are from a book on drawing action characters. Always pays to practice.
Trashy Picture - I went to the park once to find inspiration. Instead, I found a nasty trash can by my table and then went on a several hour hike and took lots of pictures. I also designed the "fancy" ambigram that is also here on my portfolio this trip. This, however, is just a trashcan.
Jon Scott
Art Director / Webmaster Alexandria, IN