individuality violated - must we be drawn to the one which shows non-conformity, individuality? we deserve to be punished if we disturb it. 20"x24" acrylic on canvas
lilly - 24"x48" acrylic, enamel, currogated cardboard on canvas
lilly detail
galita - this is a painting of my misplaced inspiration dangling and vulnerable but holding on as hope peeks thru to reassure
violet detail - 6"x 8" detail of 20"x 24" acrylic, enamel, canvas, currogated cardboard on canvas
delicacies detail - 5"x6" detail of 24"x 30" acrylic on canvas, off the coast of minteljasput, mermen relax their heads into the ocean floor, using their hair to lure the spectrum-striped kiccitai, their favorite delicacy, within striking range
NYE dream (top half) - detail of dreamscape painting depicting the clarity in which the stories of our subconscious play out while we arent looking
ice fire quest 2nd progression - 7' x 5'+ 4 canvas
Ice 2nd progression - 10x24" detail of 24"x36" canvas, part of 4 canvas "Ice Fire Quest"
fire 2nd progression - 8"x 10" detail of 24"x 36" canvas which is 2 of 4 in a series still in progress. acrylic, enamal on canvas
Quest 1st progression - 11"x 14" detail of 24"x 36" 4th canvas of 4 canvas series still in progress. acrylic, enamal on canvas
Ice, character page - sketchbook, grafnov colab character building initial
Nortav, 1st progression - acrylic on canvas 24" x 36" 1st progression - 50% completion
Kerklin Crawford
Painter/Superhuman Washington, DC