Bank Anniversary Poster - Whitney Bank has been around for quite a while. In a climate of online upstarts and mega-mergers, they wanted to remind folks of their heritage and stability. But they also wanted to be retail. Problem solved.
Louisiana Tourism Print - I love Louisiana. It's easy to see why if you look at the work I've produced over the years for the Louisiana Office of Tourism. Featured images include: Rosie Ledet - "the Zydeco Sweetheart", Creole jambalaya, spicy boiled crawfish, gators, ghosts and waterfowl. Aii-yeeee!
ForeKids! PGA outdoor - The New Orleans-based ForeKids! Foundation hosts a PGA Golf Classic every year, and this outdoor board was just one part of an integrated campaign promoting the event and its brand-new TPC course. During concepting I discovered there were no decent shots of the course, and a photoshoot was out as they'd just torn the greens up to prepare for the upcoming event. A few minutes in Illustrator CS and Voila!
Zephyr's Bus Shelter - New Orleans has a AAA baseball team called the Zephyrs. A zephyr is a wind or breeze of some sort. But nobody knows that. So for a mascot they chose to use a local giant rodent called a nutria. And name him Boudreaux. SO, how do you bring families to the games when a giant rat doesn't? Here's how.
Imagine It Clean Anti-litter print - Before Katrina messed things up even more, the city of New Orleans had a litter problem. The city council requested a marketing campaign to convince folks to pitch in and clean up. It worked. (That's my daughter Piper in the crib, BTW. Don't worry - she's not REALLY surrounded by broken glass and tin cans. I did that in Photoshop.)
Kendall Lamar
Creative Director McKinney, TX