Early concepts of robot companions for Mackenzie.
Progression of Mackenzie, the main character.
Mackenzie's final color scheme.
Early enemy designs.
Earlier in development, there were fantasy elements that were eventually scrapped.
The game contains cameos for DePaul's previous two entrants into the IGF, Octodad and Devil's Tuning Fork.
Mack vs. Windows

"Mack vs. Windows" tells the tale of Mackenzie, the world's clumsiest science intern. In this platformer, a laboratory accident has split the world into "windows" not unlike the ones of a computer browser. Manipulating these windows affects the physics of objects within them, allowing Mackenzie to progress.

Mack vs. Windows was created by a group of DePaul University students for entry into the Independent Games Festival. I served as one of the game's art leads, created concept art, and learned a lot about the game development process.
The link above leads to a trailer our producer created for the game.

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Kristen Lambert
Game Artist/Animator Chicago, IL