Value, 2015. Value is a black and white photo going from dark to light. This adds drama and impacts the composition of the photo. Value can portray a sense of timelessness and can train your eye to read color as black and white.
Space, 2015. Space is the area used or unused in a picture or art piece. The space can be negative, such as the black dead space around the fire, or positive like the actual fire.
Line, 2015. Line is a mark made b a moving point. They have greater lengths than widths that directs your eye. Lines are horizontal, vertical, diagonal, or curvy.
Color, 2015. Color is the hue on a picture. This can often be one of the most important parts of your photo because it can appeal or impact the viewers perspective. You need light to see all colors including primary, secondary, and intermediates.
Form, 2015. Form is the organic or 3 dimensional parts of a photo.
Shape, 2015. Shape is the contained geometric areas of a photo. These are 2 dimensional figures such as squares, triangles, circles, etc.
My Favorites

These are photos of my favorite things. They are taken using the rule of thirds and also using the 7 elements of art.

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Courtney Klein
student Sparta Township, NJ