Balance, 2015. Balance is stability in work. It is the repeating of shapes that give a feeling of equality. This is demonstrated in the arrangement of tools equally across the bottom of the photo. In addition to balance this photo is also taken in the Rule of Thirds. This is aligning the features of the picture with a grid making sure the focal point is not in the middle box of the grid.
Emphasis/Focal Point, 2015. Emphasis, or focal point, is a point of interest used specifically to pull the viewers eyes to a specific area. The shovel is meant to be the focal point in this particular photo, made to stand out by the very bust dull colored background.
Pattern/Repetition, 2015. Pattern repetition is the occurrence of a pattern appearing over and over again. The circles of wood demonstrate this in this stack showing over and over again.
Movement, 2015. Movement is the exciting action directing viewers eye. This can be through rhythm, repeating of shapes, colors alternating, or even more. The snow moving down the windshield is a prime example along with the watermarks on the opposite showing movement that has already occurred. In addition to movement this photo is also taken in the Rule of Thirds. This is aligning the features of the picture with a grid making sure the focal point is not in the middle box of the grid.
Contrast, 2015. Contrast is the opposites and differences in work. This achieves variety using the outlines of the trees, the shapes the textures and the values.
Unity, 2015. Unity is a painting or drawing when all parts are equal. It is also when you can take something out of the picture and still have a background. The clock is easily removed with the gray background remaining. In addition to unity this photo is also taken in the Rule of Thirds. This is aligning the features of the picture with a grid making sure the focal point is not in the middle box of the grid.
Size/Scale,2015. Size/scale is using reference of a human within an image to relate to the size of its surroundings. The fingers in this picture accomplish this by revealing the size of the chair.
Movement/Texture/Color, 2015. Movement is the exciting action directing viewers eye. The cat is moving along the fence. Texture is the surface quality of the picture. How it feels or how it appears to feel. This is shown in the cats fur and the snow. Color is the hue of the picture that needs light to appear. The blue of the sky, the white of the snow, and the cats eyes are all prime examples of this.
Principles of Design
Courtney Klein
student Sparta Township, NJ