Humanure Latrine for Bangladesh - Bangladesh has some of the worst water problems in the world, including sanitation and lack of clean drinking water. This solution addresses both, with economic incentive!
Humanure Latrine for Bangladesh - Bangladesh has some of the worst water problems in the world, including sanitation and lack of clean drinking water. This photograph shows a traditional hanging latrine, where waste enters the water that is used for bathing and cooking.
Framework for Latrine Analysis - Research showed that most of the third-world latrine methods did not address all the pathways of contamination, and were not suitable for the Ganges River Delta with frequent flooding.
Solution: Humanure Latrine for Bangladesh - This is a composting latrine which addresses all the contamination paths. The sealable barrel keeps waste from entering water and soil before composted. Its lid keeps flies away. The rainwater catchment funnels clean water to the foot-pedaled spout for hand washing. Local materials and construction methods are used.
Humanure Latrine Physical Model Detail - Scaled physical model closeup of clay squat latrine, foot-pedaled hand-wash, brick water-storage structure, and woven privacy screen.
Latrine Incentive System - Small communities can apply for a micro-loan, obtain the building plan, construct the latrine, and sell compost material to local farmers. They are able to return their loan, grow their own food, and sell the excess compost for profit.
Humanure Latrine for Bangladesh
Kristy Lovejoy
Kick-Ass Industrial Designer San Jose, CA